“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” – Thomas Edison

What is the Inventor’s Challenge?
Inventor’s Challenge is brought to you by Imagination.org and Two Bit Circus Foundation. Kids around the world are invited to create inventions that will help solve problems in their homes, schools or communities using whatever tools and materials are available. The Inventor’s Challenge fosters critical 21st century skills and attitudes, like creativity and innovation, optimism and empathy, and the willingness to experiment and take risks.

Prize Packages

The Inventor’s Journey
The Inventor’s Journey begins with inspiration and culminates in the sharing of an original artifact made by children using whatever tools and materials are available.

5 Components of the Inventor’s Journey

Participate in the Inventor’s Challenge
We designed the Inventor’s Challenge to provide an opportunity for kids, both in and outside of school, to engage in a creative process that both fosters 21st century skills and is rewarding and fun.

Choose which of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals you’d like to target – we have selected 3 of their 17 to focus on this year:
UN Goal #3: Good Health and Wellbeing
UN Goal #4: Quality Education
UN Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Invent something to solve it, it could be physical or digital.

Make a video sharing your invention with the world!